It takes most folks decades to fulfill their dreams. Some of us never do. And then there are people like Jessica who accomplish their life goals before they finish high school.
Jessica’s first dream was fulfilled within the walls of C. Milton Wright high school. It was there, at age of 15, that her years of physical, mental, and emotional preparation paid off. She had made the cheerleading squad. A venerable accomplishment.
But Jessica was far from done.
The next step in her journey found her behind the counter at Friendlys scooping ice cream. At the end of each night, her arms were a sore, sticky testament to the hundreds of delicacy-seeking customers she had served. But this was not her dream. This was her biding her time, gaining the customer service expertise she would need to achieve the true pinnacle of accomplishment. That pinnacle was reached at a coffee shop nearby, aptly named Coffee Coffee. It was there, among the caffeine-seeking customers of that iconic establishment where Jessica’s other dream came true. The accomplishment she had dreamed of since she was a little girl: she had become a cashier.
We understandably wonder what it is that allows some individuals to reach these heights. One reasonable theory is that the secret is beets. As a child, Jessica loved them so much and ate so many she turned purple. Maybe there’s something to be said for eating that relatively unpopular purple powerhouse.
But how does one spend their adult days, once they’ve fulfilled their dreams? Listening to Stevie Nicks, obviously. And going on motivational speaking tours. Around her house. To her three kids. And cooking for, cleaning up after, and chauffeuring those kids around so they can also achieve their goals. And working as an acute care occupational therapist where she finds ways to help her patients to (you guessed it) achieve their goals.
One thing you won’t find her doing, though, is watching Star Wars. As it turns out, she’s never seen it. Says she has no interest in it. Probably because there are no beets in it.
Pictured is Jessica, of Olney, Maryland, wearing the Promise of a New Day design.
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